
Type of study Form of study Premise to get started Study time
vocational education,
level 3
day study
no educational requirements 60 EKAP, 1 y

Valgamaa Vocational School has excellent conditions in the teaching kitchens and large kitchen to learn the professional skills of an cook. A prerequisite is a willingness to cooperate between the chef and other kitchen staff, a high stress tolerance and a willingness to work while others are resting, with a positive attitude. The cook handles raw food, assists the cook in preparing and serving food, and works under the guidance of the chef. The cook pre-processes food, cold-processes vegetables, prepares simple side dishes and food according to the instructions, keeps the workplace tidy, cleans and tidyes, performs self-control activities, plans and organizes his work. Good health, endurance, willingness and ability to work in a team are required.

Admission conditions

Submitting an application, passing an interview and proving the required level of education.

Core study modules

Basics of accommodation and catering

Study path and work in a changing environment

The basics of catering

Basics of the practical work of cook

Service basics

Cook internship

Elective modules

Catering service

Developing digital maturity

Estonian kitchen

Special catering

Beverage education I non-alcoholic beverages

Professional Estonian language

Flower arrangement and room design

Bakery and pastry work

Outdoor catering

Developing study skills

To work in kitchens, the learner must have personal: chef clothes (jacket, trousers, apron and hat) and chef's shoes.


The studies are considered completed when the student has achieved the learning outcomes of the cooking curriculum at least at the threshold level, completed the company internship and passed the professional exam.

Professional qualification to be acquired during studies:

At the end of the studies, the student takes the professional qualification exam "Cook, level 3".

Edasiõppimise võimalused

Chef, level 4.

Opportunities in the labor market

After graduation, it is possible to work as a cook in companies offering catering services (restaurant, cafe, canteen, bar, fast food company, large kitchen, catering company, etc.).

Curriculumlink opens on new page

Опубликовано 01.12.2022. Last changed 01.12.2022.